Deacon Pat's Books

Deacon Pat's Books
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Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Building a Kitchen

The goal was to locate a person / couple who could really use some unsolicited help. We, actually Katie, identified an elderly couple. He has a basketball-size tumor on his back, and she is quite elderly and limited. Their kitchen was about to fall down and they had no way of making it better.

The group took $400 and with it: hired a local contractor, bought the wood and supplies, and gathered a together a group of Christians. Within one day we tore down the old kitchen, and we built a new one. Another group will come in 15 days and build a stove with a chimney for the couple.

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Thank you for taking the time to read our blog. Please pray for Liz and me and for our mission. May you be filled always with God's love. Deacon Pat