Deacon Pat's Books

Deacon Pat's Books
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Wednesday, April 6, 2016

New Bilingual Children's Books

I am so excited to introduce these bilingual (English / Spanish) children's books about two beautiful Guatemalan girls. This book describes the life of Isabelita, a 6 year old, and highlights her life and activities.

This is a book about NenĂ©, a feisty and active 4 year old. 

The books are written in English and Spanish and are perfect for children ages 4-8. 

The books are being published at the time of this post and will be available on Amazon as print books and also ebooks. The funds raised by the books will be given 100% for the education of the girls. Isabelita would like to become a teacher like her Grandfather, and Nené states that she wants to be a dentist.

Please visit my book site (Click Here) to order the books.

I anticipate the books will be ready to order by April 15, 2016.

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Thank you for taking the time to read our blog. Please pray for Liz and me and for our mission. May you be filled always with God's love. Deacon Pat