Deacon Pat's Books

Deacon Pat's Books
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Tuesday, May 10, 2016

We Are Back In The USA!

After 8 months on Mission in Guatemala we are now back in the USA!

Liz and I have returned to the USA after a wonderful time in Guatemala. Our "Mission Year" was cut a little short for a few reasons, but with happy and sad hearts we are back. We are sad to leave our family and friends in Guatemala, but we are happy and excited for the new opportunity and see where God will use us next

I have accepted a nursing position as the Assessment / Referral Nurse for the behavioral health unit at West Valley Medical Center in Caldwell, Idaho, and we will be moving there in a few days.

We are currently driving across the US. We landed in San Antonio, TX, and after visiting our son, Sean, we are making our way toward Idaho.

After finding a home in Caldwell we will make a short visit to California and then return to Idaho to begin establishing our new lives. We are experiencing a little culture shock but are looking forward to Idaho and especially the parish which has a Spanish Speaking population. :)

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back to the U.S.! Great to see your happy faces! Idaho is a beautiful state. I lived in Pocatello for a few years - I remember lots of snow...snow...skiing...Fr. Avram will probably be out for a visit!!! The people of Caldwell will be blessed to have you and your many skills and talents there - and your love. Prayers and love for your many Guatemalan friends you left behind physically but carry with you in your hearts. Please keep us posted as you hear from them, and about your new adventures, too! <3


Thank you for taking the time to read our blog. Please pray for Liz and me and for our mission. May you be filled always with God's love. Deacon Pat