Deacon Pat's Books

Deacon Pat's Books
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Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Kenzie visits Guatemala

Our daughter Mackenzie left for Loyola University in Chicago in August and then we set out to Guatemala. We had not seen her, except for video chats, for 7 months. Way too long! However, she came to Guatemala for her spring break and we had such a wonderful time. 

She took a lot of pictures and shared them with her friends via social media and she shared, "My friends said they had no idea that I was  going to paradise. They also asked, 'your parents must be rich to live there.' I told them that it is quite the opposite that you guys are missionaries." I laughed for almost a minute. So true!

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Thank you for taking the time to read our blog. Please pray for Liz and me and for our mission. May you be filled always with God's love. Deacon Pat