Deacon Pat's Books

Deacon Pat's Books
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Friday, May 1, 2015

Preparing to Break Away

It is now May 1, 2015 and our lives have been "Over-the-top" busy these past few weeks with:

1. Numerous home repairs, painting, cleaning, etc. so we can list our home for sale this next week,
2. Garage / Yard sales to help purge our too many belongings.
3. Preparing for Mackenzie's 19th birthday party and College send off party
4. Starting the formal process to have diaconate faculties in Bolivia
5. and work...... yes my two jobs!

In addition it also appears that the devil is hard at work trying to place obstacles in our way. Luckily both Liz and I can see that these trials and difficulties are just the devil's way of trying the hinder and disrupt our plan to do God's work. I am so amazed how resilient and spiritually persevering Liz can be.

We have 11 weeks until our next visit to New York for the 3 week orientation / training with the Salesians. We are so excited! After the New York trip we will then only have two weeks back in Redding to say good-bye to our friends.

Despite the business I can't help but feel a great peacefulness in my anticipation to our rapidly approaching missionary journey. The daily purging of possessions has created a feeling of lightness and tranquility that encompasses a freedom I haven't felt in a long time. It is wonderful.

Deacon Pat

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Thank you for taking the time to read our blog. Please pray for Liz and me and for our mission. May you be filled always with God's love. Deacon Pat